Grades K - 3
Ages 5 - 9
Students build foundational math skills, including: number sense, counting & cardinality, operations & algebraic thinking, base-ten operations, measurement & data, and geometry. Teachers use Singapore Dimensions, supplementing it with their own math stories, games, and projects. Students use hands-on manipulatives during live class meetings and to practice and reinforce skills outside of class.
At the end of each Unit, students complete a Key Assignment, integrating the skills taught and practiced throughout the Unit in a project-based assignment that brings math into real life.
Class materials include Singapore student books and math manipulatives.
Reading Pathfinders builds foundational skills in reading, writing, speaking, & listening to support higher learning in Language Arts as students progress. Using the Logic of English: Foundations, students will develop strong phonemic awareness skills that lay a foundation for strong readers, learn spelling patterns & rules, learn silent final E rules, high-frequency words, multi-letter phonograms, common affixes, reading comprehension strategies, and printing uppercase & lowercase letters
Class materials include reading workbook, phonics coloring/activity book, readers, lined white board to practice printing, flash cards for phonics & spelling, phonics game tiles & cards.
Story Pathfinders helps students transition from learning to read to reading to learn. Using the Logic of English: Foundations D, students refine literacy skills with board games, engaging comprehension activities, children’s literature, informational texts and fun learning activities. Students strengthen phonics, vocabulary, comprehension skills, beginning writing composition, grammar, spelling, and suffix rules. The workbook is filled with practice pages that build upon the skills and concepts taught in Reading Pathfinders. Readers include 8 non-fiction books that expand students’ background knowledge and build upon texts in the Children’s Literature Set.
Class materials include student workbook, non-fiction readers, children’s literature set, lined white board to practice printing, flash cards for phonics & spelling, phonics game tiles & cards.
Our youngest scientists will discover the joy of exploring how our world works. This class is a great fit for students who are just beginning to learn to read, as teachers use a lot of visuals, movement, and hands-on activities to help students learn and wonder about a variety of science topics.
Class materials include materials for hands-on science activities, picture books, & sticker workbooks.
Our Science Pathfinders will be doing hands-on activities & experiments and exploring illustrated books to learn about Physics including: forces & motion, simple machines, light, sound, electricity, magnetism, flight, and space. Teachers will guide an experiment each class meeting, and students will have the option to explore their interests further with detailed instructions for parents to continue the learning outside of class.
Class materials include Noeo’s Physics 1 full set, with experiment & project materials nicely organized for easy prep, teaching guide to help parents, student lab manual, and living books about science topics and famous inventors, including Einstein, Alexander Graham Bell, Galileo, and Newton.
Our youngest learners will explore the geography, history, and famous people of our great nation, through stories, hands-on activities, movement, and games. Students will learn about the people who serve our communities today, and discover how each of them can be a good community member at home, in school, and in their own city, state, and country.
Class materials include sticker workbooks, picture story books, and materials for hands-on activities.
Grades 3 - 6
Ages 8 - 12
details coming soon
Math Explorers is offered in levels A, B, & C. Consult your Cohort Teacher to determine the right skills level for your student.
Students will build science skills and content knowledge, including: motion, forces, energy, gravity, light, space, electricity, and more - all while building skills in scientific thinking! Teachers will lead experiments and hands-on activities during live classes, as students participate using materials shipped in their Elevated Learning Kits. This class uses Noeo curriculum built upon Classical and Charlotte Mason methodologies. In addition to hands-on learning, students learn about science topics from living books and their own projects and observations.
Adventurers &
For the school year of 2025-26, Elevated Adventurers & Mountaineers will have access to many of the same classes. These students are typically ages 12-14, enrolled in grades 7-9. Our unique model supports mixed-age learning and peer collaboration, as well as personalized feedback from teachers based on each student's skill level.
details coming soon
Math Adventures is offered in levels A, B, & C. Consult your Cohort Teacher to determine the right skills level for your student.
*Level C can be taken by 9th graders for high school math elective credit
details coming soon
*This class meets high school Math I graduation requirement
Teachers will use Story of the World, Volume 2, and IEW's Medieval History-based Writing Lessons, alongside literature from and about the Middle Ages to guide students on an exploration of both Literature and World History that will fascinate while building skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening, thinking historically & sequentially, and making connections to our current civilizations.
*Students enrolled in grade 9 can take this class and earn high school English credit and high school World History credit by completing additional assignments.
details coming soon
*For students enrolled in grade 9, this class earns high school English credit and high school US History credit
A Science RPG teaching concepts in Physical & Earth Science.
Intro to our story: 1000 Years ago, the Darkness had taken over the world of Terra Firma. The great overlord Ignorance ruled over the entire kingdom. However, in and amongst the chaos, three shining warriors, Dutch, Trinian, & Deslock (the sons of thunder) came out of the darkness and used the power of the photonic force to conjure the Illumination to fight back the Darkness and bring a millennia of peace. However, there have been reports of mysterious happenings and the Elders of Illumination have predicted that the Darkness has returned to destroy the four kingdoms of the Terra Firma’s Biosphere. You have been recruited to take on an incredible quest, to find the Son’s of Thunder and save us all. Create your Hero! Journey to the four kingdoms of the world! Save the world!
*This class can be taken by 9th graders for high school Science elective credit
details coming soon
*This class meets high school Life Science graduation requirement
details coming soon
*This class can be taken by 9th graders for high school elective credit
details coming soon
*This class can be taken by 9th graders for high school elective credit
Students will use the Python programming language to learn the fundamentals of programming including string manipulation, loops, functions, data structures, and file i/o. These tools will be used to create interactive programs, both text-based and incorporating simple graphics. Programs range from smaller exercises that can be completed during live class to larger projects customized to student interests and may include simple games or interactive stories, encryption and code-breaking, generating art, and analyzing scientific data. The course is suitable for those with no prior programming experience.
This class is 1 semester, offered in the Fall Semester, Aug-Dec.
Students will extend programming fundamentals (covered in Introduction to Programming with Python 1) to learn basic games programming using Pygame. The basics of object-oriented programming will be taught through activities involving game characters and items, and the Pygame module will be used to introduce fundamental games programming concepts including game loops, 2D graphics and animation, user input, and collision detection. Students will learn these concepts by completing class exercises and minigames, culminating in a capstone project in which students create their own games.
This class is 1 semester, offered in the Spring Semester, Jan-May.
Recommended that students are concurrently enrolled in Algebra 1.
As enrollment and staffing unfold for the 25/26 school year, we will add additional high school classes and clubs for all grade levels.
If we do not teach a high school class that your student wants, we will connect you with resources that can provide that course, and it will appear on your student's ECS High School Transcript.